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Redgie Joins up to Canterbury's Club of Artists

Arts Canterbury

22 Mar 2023

Redgie is now involved in Arts Canterbury here in Christchurch , New Zealand linking him up to all the latest workshops and exhibits here in Canterbury.

Arts Canterbury Mission

- To foster appreciation of the visual arts in Canterbury and to provide support to artists who create art.

Arts Canterbury is committed to supporting the artists, art galleries and other art related businesses throughout Canterbury, New Zealand. As an incorporated charitable organisation, Arts Canterbury is governed by an elected executive committee, whose aim is to continue to provide a range of opportunities for all members.

The declared purpose of Arts Canterbury is to:

• Provide public opportunities for people in Canterbury to develop and appreciate a wide range of art media.

• Support artists in Canterbury to display and exhibit their art.

• Support the artistic communities, galleries and cultural environments in which art and artists can thrive and develop.

• Provide learning opportunities for artists and the public.

• Promote and support visual art and artists across Canterbury.

"I paint what I feel, when finished with a work I’m onto the next idea whatever the subject matter – usually/possibly a reflection of experience. You decide the message in the work and therefore there’s not an explanation, leaving you to decide for yourself as this is a world where thinking for oneself is truly amazing and should not be taken for granted. Enjoy, thank you and please buy as one day I will be but dust and a memory. He ngā mi’inui ki a koe."

Redgie Walker-Small

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